Create your own ERC20 or BEP20 Token in less than a minute.
Get Started →
You need to have MetaMask installed with an amount of ETH/BNB to pay for contract deployment.
Enter your preferred Token name and symbol. Choose your supply and Token type.
Confirm your transaction using MetaMask. Once deployed your Token is ready to use.
Create your own ERC20 or BEP20 Token in less than a minute with the most used Smart Contract Generator for ERC20 and BEP20 Token.
Token Generator is a distributed application that runs on the Blockchain (Ethereum or BSC network), using specially-developed Smart Contracts to enable users to build their ERC20 or BEP20 Tokens.
Easily deploy Smart Contract for a Standard, Capped, Mintable, Burnable, Payable|Operable Token.
No login. No setup. No coding required.